Loans Request Button — Now Live

We want to officially announce that the loan request feature has been added and now active on the users dashboard of our Coop website .
Henceforth, active members of the farmchain finance cooperative can request for individual micro loans or business Micro Loans for SMEs operating within the Agribusiness, food Commodities and fast moving consumer goods value chains to support their business venture in line with our core vision of fighting hunger and the current global food crisis.
One of the core criteria to access the Coop’s micro loans is to choose either of making regular monthly savings using any of the available savings plans, hold savings in land banking scheme or the monthly, quarterly or yearly food banking scheme (that we are also introducing early 2023) to qualify to apply for any of the loans category in addition to having guarantors who are fellow active members of the Coop with any of the active savings listed above.
We are also working to introduce smaller circles with minimum of 5 like minded members operating as SMEs within the value chain of our interest who will register with us as affiliated cooperatives and unions to access our loans for SMEs and will also be on our saving plans to access the micro loans.
The loan request application is very seamless and disbursement is instant especially if the account is already holding sufficient active savings.
All savings plans comes with a very attractive accrued interest earnings of 30% fixed APY.
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